Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why are gateways slower than bridges?

a- because they must read the source and destination MAC addresses

b- because they must manage sessions, translate encoded data, and interpret logical and physical addresses.

c- because they must assign new IP addresses to every packet

d- because they must interpret application programming interface output

e- because they operate at the physical layer

from net+ practice test

Why are gateways slower than bridges?
C - The fewer layers that must be processed, the lower the latency.

A gateway operates at Layer 3 of the OSI model (a bridge operates at Layer 2). A Gateway must add the IP of the next "hop" on the journey to the destination.

"A" describes Layer 2 (Data-Link)

"B" describes Layer 5 (Session)

"D" describes Layer 7 (Application)

"E" describes Layer 1 (Physical)

you better not be cheating ;)

yu gi oh cards

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